Our Sustainable Practice

Sourcing Douglas Fir

We Take Responsibility Towards The Environment Seriously

At Canadian Timberframes, our commitment to the environment is unwavering. We source 90% of our timber (Douglas Fir) locally, from sustainable and ethically managed forest stands within a two hour drive of our facility. Our Douglas Fir is harvested locally from sustainably managed forests, ensuring that these forest ecosystems maintain their biodiversity, regeneration and vitality. This dedication to responsible sourcing is a testament to our values and the trust we aim to build with our stakeholders.

Our commitment to a healthy environment goes beyond sourcing. Maximum utilization of the log, along with utilization of the by-product, is a key part of our operations. All wood, off cuts, and wood waste products that are produced in our daily operations are sold to other manufactures or donated locally, contributing to a more sustainable and circular economy. This is our way of making a positive impact on the environment, and we invite you to join us in this journey.

Industries are becoming more concerned with the environmental impact of their practices; the building industry is no different, with many companies aiming to decrease the "carbon footprint" of their projects. The result of well managed forests is a never-decreasing capacity of trees because, aside from being a building material, trees and forests are an integral part of our ecosystem.

British Columbia Forestation

British Columbia accounts for nearly 50% of Canada's total expenditure on silviculture (the care and cultivation of forest trees). The province's independent Chief Forester sets the harvest rate, known as the Allowable Annual Cut (AAC), for each of its 70 management units. Timber supply reviews can be adjusted to accommodate abnormal situations such as insect infestations. British Columbia excels in reforesting its working forests, planting two to three times more area annually than it harvests.

British Columbia Forestation Facts

Less than 1% of Canada's managed forests are harvested each year, and the areas must be promptly regenerated. Over half a billion seedlings are planted annually, ensuring sustainable forest management and the preservation of natural habitats.

Air Drying Vs Kiln Drying

Canadian Timberframes air-dries all our handpicked logs and continues the process with air-dried cants, unless specifically requested to use kiln drying. 

Air-drying allows the wood to acclimate naturally, reducing stress and enhancing durability, which preserves the quality of the timber. This practice not only supports our commitment to environmentally responsible manufacturing but also ensures superior material for our projects. 

Although kiln drying is faster and suitable for projects needing immediate turnaround, it requires significant energy inputs, making air-drying the more sustainable option.

Zero Waste Practice

We operate as a conscious manufacturing facility towards Zero Waste Practice so that all of our wood by-products can be utilized. Our logs and timber cants are naturally dried in our yard and drying room respectively. Our drying room is heated by radiant floor heating, and our shop is heated by hydronic heating, utilizing our wood offcuts and material by-products to heat our boilers. Our 32,000-square-foot manufacturing facility is efficiently heated using clean, zero-waste energy. Over 80% of the heating comes from radiant floor heating and hydronic boilers powered by our wood offcuts and material by-products, minimizing the need for propane or electric heat. Wood by-products are also used by our employees and locals to heat their homes or for DIY projects. Wood shavings and sawdust are transported locally to generate electrical energy or donated to local farmers.

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